December 7, 2020
Like many things in 2020, Terryberry’s employee recognition event this year was unconventional. Normally the company hosts a big banquet for staff. Employees celebrate milestones and achievements together. In 2020, many businesses realize that employees need recognition and encouragement more than ever. At the same time, we’ve had to re-think traditional ways of celebrating together. Terryberry addressed this by pivoting to a virtual event to recognize employees. Here’s how it went.
Employees and their Families Attended Remotely
Terryberry teamed up with a local studio to broadcast a live presentation. Employees were invited to attend via video conference and to share the experience with family and friends.
Participants Shared a Fun Online Experience
Terryberry invited a local business to provide a virtual cheese tasting. Participants received a sampling of cheese ahead of the event. Then everyone was able to enjoy a fun online tasting experience together during the event.
Leaders Said ‘Thanks’ to Individuals and Groups
Next, Terryberry’s leadership shared a message of appreciation for the efforts of staff. Mike and Dave, the company’s top executives, made specific comments to personally recognize employees who were being honored for special milestones.
Terryberry Ships Recognition Awards to Recipients’ Homes
When recognition awards can’t be presented in person, Terryberry suggests shipping awards to recipients’ homes. The company says it’s important to make sure that employees who have earned recognition are able to receive those awards as a tangible symbol of the achievement.
Check out Terryberry’s video from their 2020 virtual recognition event.
For organizations who want to learn more about how to pull off a successful virtual recognition event, Terryberry offers a new ebook: 5 Ways to Ensure your Virtual Recognition Event is Meaningful.