May 12, 2020
As we know businesses across the globe are currently experiencing tremendous upheaval. Remote working and social distancing have changed how organizations can implement effective employee recognition.
88% of HR Professionals say that employee recognition has more impact during these unprecedented times, while 57% say it's also more difficult to recognize employees.
At Terryberry we conducted the below polls with attendees on a recent webinar. The results show that leaders understand that employee recognition is of great importance and is providing even greater impact during these difficult times. Meanwhile, it's also more challenging to give recognition compared to normal working environments.
Nearly 9 in 10 HR Leaders Say Employee Recognition has More Impact during these Unprecedented Times
Many employees are balancing additional stress and responsibilities both at work and home. Newly remote workers who are practicing social distancing may feel disconnected. Employees want to feel “seen” and appreciated by their organization. Regular personalized communications are vital. Take a proactive approach to influencing company culture. This can make a world of difference in helping team members to get through this difficult period.
57% Say Employee Recognition is More Difficult Now than Before COVID19
The second poll results emphasize that although many organizations have already identified the need to conduct more employee recognition. The majority are finding it hard to achieve in practice. Leaders now find themselves needing to develop new habits for recognizing their employees. They can no longer walk by a workstation and tell an employee they’ve done a good job, or gather for an impromptu celebration in the breakroom.
Leverage Technology to Connect and Encourage Team Members
If you are an organization that finds itself in this situation, it may be a good time to evaluate technology tools that can help make giving employee recognition easier and more effective. Terryberry has employee recognition software to help you to make recognition easier across your entire company.
Terryberry's 360 Recognition Platform includes features such as a social recognition wall where colleagues can interact with each other on a daily basis, keep up-to-date with company announcements, and much more.