Be Recognized Platform Demo


07/26 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Presenters: Brad Sytsma and Mike Byam

Frequent recognition is the best way to engage employees in your organization’s mission, vision, and values. With so many organizations adopting remote and hybrid work schemes, organizational culture is more important than ever.

Learn about the Social Recognition tools of Terryberry’s Be Recognized platform, and how to engage employees through social recognition. In this demo, we will cover topics such as:

  • The value of peer-to-peer recognition and best practices for making peer recognition meaningful.
  • The importance of manager-driven recognition and tools for helping your leaders lead by example.
  • How frequent and specific recognition can bring your organization’s mission, vision, and values to life.
  • Budgeting for social recognition and realizing the big impact of a small thank you.
  • Administration Tools and the keys to maintaining a successful program.

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