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Business is Difficult, Make Recognition Easy

By mindutopia | May 11, 2009

I recently participated in a video interview series for SHRM during their Staffing Management Conference in Las Vegas. It was a great opportunity to share Terryberry’s experience as it relates to recognition in a challenging economy, and other than the intense lighting that made me feel like a Big Mac @ McDonalds under heating lamps, […]

Onboarding – First Impression Recognition

By mindutopia | May 5, 2009

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” A line that should probably go down in the Catch Phrase Hall of Fame, right next to “Where’s the beef?” and “Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids!”Clearly one of the reasons it has stood the test of time is the simple truth of the […]

National Nurses' Week

By mindutopia | April 28, 2009

Don’t forget – National Nurses’ Week is May 6-12! Leave a comment and share what your organization is doing to show your appreciation for your nurses. Here are just a few recognition ideas that have come from different Terryberry webcasts and events: “We give ‘care awards’ for people that go above and beyond.” “Our recognition […]

What Does Your Recognition Program Say About Your Company?

By mindutopia | April 24, 2009

I once received a birthday card from a friend. When I opened the card, my name was hand-written above the message, but the sender had forgotten to sign their own name. I feel like some recognition programs have a similar piece missing. You wouldn’t send a letter of recognition to an employee who accomplished a […]

How does your employee recognition program stack up?

By mindutopia | April 3, 2009

Curious about what kinds of awards businesses are using today for employee recognition? Want to find out how other employers are recognizing performance and when they recognize for years of service? Wondering how your employee communication strategy compares with the competition? Check out Terryberry’s Global Employee Recognition Survey. Take the survey yourself and see how […]

Spooky Recognition Story

By mindutopia | March 13, 2009

I heard a recognition horror story the other day. It seemed appropriate to share this story on Friday the 13th. Here’s how it went. A large tech company had been working on a big project for nearly a year. Recently, the project team completed a major milestone. With great intentions, the site leader put together […]

Recognition in a Recession

By mindutopia | March 3, 2009

If you’re forced to manage your recognition budget with fewer dollars, check out this article by Mike Byam, Managing partner of Terryberry Company. Byam gives 5 ideas for saving costs on your recognition program without sacrificing the impact on your people.

All Employees Are Brand Managers

By mindutopia | February 24, 2009

Traditionally, the task of promoting a company falls on an organization’s salespeople and marketing team. But these are anything but traditional times, and businesses are forced to think outside the box about new ways to market their products and services. Many businesses today are taking seriously the idea that every employee in the organization is […]

Wells Fargo responds to criticism over recognition spending

By mindutopia | February 19, 2009

Wells Fargo, the mortgage financial giant, has been under some scrutiny lately for the company’s spending on employee award and recognition events in light of their financial situation. Recently, John Stumf, Wells Fargo’s CEO, had had enough. Responding to the harsh criticism, he took out a full page ad in USA Today to publicly defend […]

Recognition on a Budget – Get Creative!

By mindutopia | February 13, 2009

Earlier this week, Terryberry hosted a webcast on “Creating a WOW! Moment“. Over 150 business leaders from around the world attended to learn and share ideas for how to WOW! their employees in spite of the slow economy. What did we learn? The economy certainly isn’t stopping businesses from showing appreciation for the efforts of […]

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