July 10, 2023
Ongoing pressure following the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that there are currently huge constraints on the National Health Service in the UK.
According to research conducted by BHSF, the average wait time for a routine GP appointment is now more than two weeks, with more than 5 million patients looking for appointments each month.
This strain on the NHS is now costing businesses, as sickness absence costs UK businesses nearly £4.2 billion each year.
Terryberry, in partnership with BHSF, provide employees with access to a 24/7 GP Helpline, offering around-the-clock support with no limitations on the number of times or duration of a consultation, along with private prescriptions to ensure that people get the support that they need.
With the constraints that are currently being felt by the NHS showing no signs of easing up in the near future, businesses are looking for solutions to support their workers and get them much-needed support.
If you want to find out more about the benefits of a GP Helpline in your business, sign up to our webinar on Tuesday 11th July at 2:30pm or get in touch with one of our team who can support you with getting started.