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5 reasons why prioritising employee wellbeing will help your business to thrive

August 30, 2023

Businesses wishing to achieve their corporate targets face a considerable number of challenges.

They must remain profitable, maintain stakeholder trust, protect their corporate data, promote themselves effectively to their customers, comply with applicable regulations and achieve sustainability targets [1].

They cannot do this without a dedicated and committed workforce whose motivations and aspirations align with their own. But securing and keeping this talent can be challenging, especially when businesses are under pressure to deliver in an increasingly challenging environment and job seekers are tending to prioritise a good work-life balance over financial recompense [2].

This is where implementing an employee wellbeing program comes into its own. In this blog, we will explore 5 ways in which businesses will benefit from implementing Terryberry's SaaS software solution to improve employee wellbeing in the workplace, and achieve their corporate targets.

1. Recruit and retain staff

Every employee or prospective employee is an individual with their own particular needs and desires. The key to a successful wellbeing solution is its adaptability. It needs to deliver a holistic approach to employee wellbeing, incorporating all elements of wellness, including physical, mental, emotional and financial.

Terryberry's employee wellness program allows businesses to access a range of resources and to deliver a well-rounded holistic approach to employee wellbeing that allow staff to thrive in both their professional and personal lives.

By demonstrating a commitment to employee satisfaction, businesses are better able to secure and retain the talent that they need to deliver their business commitments and to achieve their KPIs.

2. Sound return on investment

Using app-based software makes Terryberry's range of employee wellness solutions easily accessible to all of a business' employees. The simple interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, increasing user satisfaction and encouraging engagement.

The system integrates seamlessly with a business' existing IT infrastructure to create an accessible platform for staff to access at a time and place that is convenient to them. This enables employees to prioritise their wellbeing, access relevant resources, set themselves goals and access the incentives and rewards that their business offers.

By simplifying the manner in which an employee wellness solution is delivered, the training burden and administration effort is reduced and the ROI is increased. HR personnel are able to focus on value-added activities rather than policing platform engagement.

3. Tailored solutions

Terryberry's wellbeing solution is distinctly different. Unlike other wellbeing programs that offer a one-size-fits-all approach, our program recognises the individual needs of businesses and their workforces.

Our employee wellbeing platform allows you to tailor the offers, initiative, challenges and support that you offer to your employees to align with corporate targets and to improve your company culture. This approach is proven to achieve more effective outcomes, greater engagement and higher levels of employee satisfaction.

4. Data-driven insights

By collecting and analysing employee engagement data and metrics, it is possible to understand the root cause of employee engagement issues, staff needs, trends and areas for improvement.

Only by truly understanding the root causes of these issues can they be effectively addressed, increasing staff satisfaction, proving to staff the extent to which they are valued, and building a culture of trust and continuous improvement.

Taking a data-driven approach to wellbeing allows businesses to make informed decisions, improving the employee experience and achieving better business outcomes.

5. Expert Customer Support

Terryberry customer services staff understand the intricacies of employee wellbeing, and can help your business to create, implement, monitor and continuously improve its employee wellbeing offerings.

With our insights and support, you will benefit from a proven solution that fosters a sense of community amongst your workforce, that adequately satisfies their needs, supports their health and development aspirations and promotes a collaborative workplace culture.

In Conclusion

Terryberry's SaaS employee wellbeing program is designed to address the particular needs of your business. Offering a comprehensive and customisable approach which is supported by our team of dedicated and experienced wellness professionals, your administration and HR teams can focus on delivering business benefits while our team ensures that your wellness program achieves its aims.

Our tailored wellness solution empowers your employees, increases their engagement and productivity and helps them to thrive both personally and professionally. When your business has a committed, productive and loyal workforce, you will benefit from reduced employee turnover and absenteeism, improved company culture and a strong reputation.

Terryberry offers an employee wellbeing solution that will help your business to achieve long-term success by nurturing its workforce, meeting their needs and aligning their motivations with your own. To find out how Terryberry can help your business to flourish, contact us today.



